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The Asian Development Bank or ADB is a multilateral non-profit organisation committed to achieving 'a prosperous, inclusive, resilient, and sustainable Asia and the Pacific, while sustaining our efforts to eradicate extreme poverty’.  


To this end they decided to reach beyond the politicians and policy wonks that form their core constituency to engage impact entrepreneurs and investors, who are innovating the solutions to tomorrow’s challenges.


One of the ways they went about this was to launch Innovation Fair 2020, a one day event featuring the top innovators from inside the bank plus Head of Facebook Philippines, John Rubio.  To differentiate the event they wanted to use content before, during and after to promote, engage and sustain interest amongst their target audience.


Moore’s Lore Media was employed to come up with the event branding, content and distribution strategy as well as oversee all production.  This is what we came up with…



Instead of the usual C-suite keynotes ADB engaged a TEDx trainer to coach 8 internal innovators to tell their stories. We captured those stories in advance, directing the speakers to deliver a performance that would be as emotional as it was informative, and then crafted them into a single, compilation promo that was used as an invitation.


As the AV crew captured the on-stage action Moore’s Lore founder Neal Moore set up a small studio outside the auditorium to grab the speakers as they came off-stage, pumped with adrenaline, and capture the key takeaways from their speeches.


Finally we delivered a post-event promo unlike any the ADB had ever seen, plus “socialised” versions of all the content cut to under a minute.  This was accompanied by a detailed distribution plan to help the ADB social media team make the most of every new asset across their vast range of  internal and external channels.

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